
Vassal40k is a non-commerical free fanmade module to play, illustrate and watch Warhammer 40k battles online.

It is a module for the Vassal Engine, and in now way associated with the Vassal Engine team.

Vassal40k is not designed to replace a real game of Warhamer 40k, but enable people to play with each other across the globe, finding new buddies, just watch battles going on whenever you want from home, playtest new units you would like to purchase from Games Workshop.

You must obtain the rules from Games Workshop, none are included in the module, as it would be in a real game. Dice however are included.

If you want to contact the creators:

We are glad if you sent us bug-reports, wishes or graphics to include.

This web site and the Vassal 40k module  is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2011, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

11 Responses to “About”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hey, just checked it out. This module seems great. I’m wondering if I can help contribute? For example, it’d be sweet if you could set the limit to move on units so they didn’t move too far. Either that, or provide a check to measure the distance of the path (movement trail) the unit has moved.

  2. We can need all help we can. Most important are spriters and Java coders, any help is welcome.

    You can look into the module, if you find a way (the Vassal engine forum is always helpful) we would be happy to include this or use your coding.

    Write me under Vassal40k@mail.com if you want the Alpha-Version of 5.4F.

  3. shaken_not_stirred Says:

    Epic module seems to be down as a result of megaupload taken down. A repost would be appreciated.

    One suggestion: More Raven Guard! (Can you tell what army I play?)

  4. More Raven Guard? Do they miss anything? They even get Cpt. Korvidae in F.

    Thanks for the hint on Epic.

  5. Snakeb1te Says:

    I love this! But does anyone know if an Epic: Armageddon version still exists? I can’t find one anywhere, as all the links to the download files are no longer working.

  6. shaken_not_stirred Says:

    I agree with snakebite. Plz repost Epic armageddon.

  7. Hi! Hope it’s okay to post this here, given it’s not about Vassal40K or even WH40K, but we saw the comments here about Epic and VassalEpic, and so we thought you might be interested to know that we’ve been making a computer game that we think you guys will really, really want to play, but we’re seeking help from the broader wargaming community. 🙂

    We are issuing a call to arms to wargaming fans all over the world to help us finish Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire. Hosted on Indiegogo, the crowd-funding campaign will make it possible for the wargaming community to support the franchise’s first foray into computer games.

    Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire is a 3D, turn-based strategy game capturing the core gameplay of miniatures wargaming. It will put players in control at a Brigade level, manoeuvring infantry and armour companies, as well as massive super-vehicles like the mighty Marcovian Behemoth, as they jockey for position on the futuristic battlefields of the Exodus Wars universe.

    Fractured Empire will put players in control at a Brigade level, manoeuvring infantry and armour companies, as well as massive super-vehicles like the mighty Marcovian Behemoth, as they jockey for position on the futuristic battlefields of the Exodus Wars universe.

    You can view the pitch, read about the game and contribute on the campaign’s Indiegogo page at http://www.indiegogo.com/EWFracturedEmpire

    Screenshots on imgur (http://imgur.com/a/ZRQcc)

    Hope this is cool and that you like what you see. If not cool, though, please accept our apologies. 🙂

  8. Great project. Expect me as a funder.

  9. Legend! Thank you!

    Please feel free to tell everyone you know! 😀

  10. […] warhammer40K and epic vassal modules I was able to “reverse engineer” some good stuff from these 2 […]

  11. Sinthorion Says:

    I know it’s a bit old, but I can offer a download link for my version of Vassal Epic:

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